Monday, December 15, 2008


Silver Spring just got OWNED. By us. We closed on our house. Exciting I know. We will be having a party there in no time.

Speaking of getting owned........

That guy is probobly going to get the hell beat out of him behind the scenes. But seriously, Who throws a shoe?


Yeah I'm sure somebody has already made the joke but it's still funny.

Anyway, that's rediculous. Almost as rediculous is the lack of 13th floors in buildings. This is the stupidest architectural commonality. If you're on the 14th guess what? You're actually on the 13th floor. Get over it. This idea is almost as crazy as the 7 1/2 floor in Being John Malkovich.

Random thought. I want to climb the globe in Leisure World. Anyone down for it?

I went home to Connecticut for Thanksgiving. Had some good times. Going back again for Christmas.

As I was driving I saw this girl driving a mustang with the liscense plate Soulja Grl. Come on. She obviously wasnt as cool as Soulja Barney.

As I was driving I also saw a sign in Maryland for a decoy museum. I'm sure some of you may have heard of it before but my first thought was that they have this fake museum. They trick you to come up and then oh suprise there's no museum it's just a decoy.


I can't believe somebody stole an ambulence in november.

The worst part is that it has happened before.

And even before that.

In a world like this, who are you going to call?

This whole bailout situation is getting messy. Maybe if GM made the prototypes that people actualy wanted they would increase their profits.

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