Monday, December 15, 2008


Silver Spring just got OWNED. By us. We closed on our house. Exciting I know. We will be having a party there in no time.

Speaking of getting owned........

That guy is probobly going to get the hell beat out of him behind the scenes. But seriously, Who throws a shoe?


Yeah I'm sure somebody has already made the joke but it's still funny.

Anyway, that's rediculous. Almost as rediculous is the lack of 13th floors in buildings. This is the stupidest architectural commonality. If you're on the 14th guess what? You're actually on the 13th floor. Get over it. This idea is almost as crazy as the 7 1/2 floor in Being John Malkovich.

Random thought. I want to climb the globe in Leisure World. Anyone down for it?

I went home to Connecticut for Thanksgiving. Had some good times. Going back again for Christmas.

As I was driving I saw this girl driving a mustang with the liscense plate Soulja Grl. Come on. She obviously wasnt as cool as Soulja Barney.

As I was driving I also saw a sign in Maryland for a decoy museum. I'm sure some of you may have heard of it before but my first thought was that they have this fake museum. They trick you to come up and then oh suprise there's no museum it's just a decoy.


I can't believe somebody stole an ambulence in november.

The worst part is that it has happened before.

And even before that.

In a world like this, who are you going to call?

This whole bailout situation is getting messy. Maybe if GM made the prototypes that people actualy wanted they would increase their profits.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Not Porno

So we saw Zach and Miri Make a Porno. Pretty good movie.

..... and to answer all you questions, no the movie is not titled "Zach and Lorna." You all think you're pretty funny don't you. Not original.

But on another fun note. You know what are sweet drinking games. Here's some original ones that I've wanted. They would be perfect for Shotfest 2000(Shotfest 2000 is a party that I want to have with nothing but shots everywhere. Many different kinds of shots pre-mixed in pourers to provide a great atmosphere. The would have nothing to do with the year but each successive Shotfest would increase in number. 2001, 2002, 2003, etc.)

Kind of like plinko from the Price Is Right except instead of getting money you get a random shot. I went to a party once in college where they had actually constructed their own....... How creepy was Bob Barker's microphone by the way. It screamed out serial molester.

I feel like everybody used to watch that show when they were home from school sick. The big wheel was so unfair though. Everything else was based on the skill of price guessing and then the chance to go to the showdown comes up to a random wheel spin.

Anyway back to the drinking, this one is pretty cool as well.
It is like shot roulette. Roulette is evil, I found out first hand. I still claimed victory. In this roulette though there could be no losers. Unless you count losing your lunch.
So now that we have determined that drinking is fun. You know what else is fun?

Yeah I think so as well.
For all you that own a Wii, and those that should be getting one because it's cool. You need to watch this video. The guy gets kind of technical and crazy but watch it through. He explains how it is possible to view 3-d wii through your TV. I was skeptical once I first heard about this but seeing it in action is amazing.

STUFF I FOUND>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Check out this picture from a circular. This scale really sells itself.
Why would you want a scale that says Uh-Oh when you step on it? Very motivating. Way to really sell this by putting "Yikes" on it as well. This could only work as a gag gift.
Some of you know my feelings about pirates. How they are just like the terror bringers of our current time period and why should they be celebrated and what not. However it is fun and I can't knock that.
Pirates are back and in a big way. Piracy has skyrocketed this year.
Especially in Somalia where pirates in little boats capture enire ships with rocket launchers. Apparently there are 17 ships being held right now including one loaded with armored vehicles.
Who is to blame? I blame Johnny Depp.

Just kidding. I blame Jerry Bruckheimer.

Doesn't he look a little too much like an aged Clay Aiken in this picture.

On another note people magazine announced it's sexiest man of the year.

Lastly, as stores begin to close locations left and right, it seems gift cards are a poor choice for this Christmas. Apparently Circuit City, Ann Taylor, Zales, Pacific Sun, etc. are getting hit hard.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

We got us a townhouse

So they accepted the contract that we put down on the townhouse and we're now just waiting on the inspection. If all things go well we should move in in a couple months. It will be a bit of work but it will be worth it in the end

HALLOWEEN >>>>>>>>>>>

So I wanted to be Chris Hansen for Halloween (from "To catch a predator." If you haven't seen it, it's a real addicting show.)
However, I needed one person to play a decoy young girl and one person to play a creepy guy predator and I couldn't convince anyone to play along. I decided my costume wouldn't be as great just by itself so I will just have to hold off until another year when I can recruit the two other people needed. Keep that in mind everybody.

Instead I went as Jim Halpert from the Office

I think I made it work. Check out the Jim smirk face. That's right, I got it down. Maybe I could play Dwight and Michael as well one year.


The Oxyclean guy is kind of intense. But I feel like he belongs on the just for men beard commercial. His beard is ridiculous. It's practically darker than his hair.

Speaking of commercials, how creepy is the voice on the empire carpet commercials. He sounds like a stalker. And that jingle. It doesn't even rhyme. It really bothers me that they have this sing song jingle that goes nowhere and doesn't rhyme.

Lastly why does the empire carpet guy have his own bobblehead. I guess anybody can have their own bobblehead these days.
STUFF I FOUND>>>>>>>>>

So once again it's time for the section where I find something wierd and took a picture with my camera phone.

This backup camera is a little rediculous first of all. See if you can see anything wierd going on.

Bet you missed it. Look at the screen that displays what is seen on the backup camera. Why is this guy so close to running over his wife and child. Maybe he should've stopped before he was inches from their faces.


So voter approved the decriminalization of weed in Massachusetts. I bet I know a couple people who are thinking of moving to Boston now. If you get caught with it up there now supposedly they will only confiscate it and give you a $100.00 fine with nothing going on your record. Basically that downgrades possesion to the same level as possesion of alcohol by a minor to put that in perspective. Not that I know anything about possesion of alcohol by a minor or anything.

Jaywalking, I do it sometimes. But I am smart about it. I make sure no cars are coming, unlike the mothers darting across the street with their baby carriages. Damn you Wheaton traffic
The Beatles knew how to use sidewalks.
Aparently now DC is going to get real strict on ticketing for jaywalking, so watch yourself.

Nader? What is wrong with him? He can't at least wait a couple months to make himself a jack ass. This soon after the election? He uses the term "Uncle Tom" when referring to Barack Obama. Don't Watch this if you don't want to be made upset. I guess Nader wants less votes next time he runs than the 1% of the popular vote he managed this time.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Fat pets

You know what I love? ........ Fat pets. Woooo bring them on.



So I was watching the news the other day and I was reminded of something that always kind of bothered me. The story was related to the recent story of how they now think coffee can reduce breast cancer.

This is a good finding if it is true but it seems like another one of those cases of certain products going back and forth over whether they are good for you or bad for you. The study, as I am sure you have heard, said that extensive consumption of coffee had been shown to reduce the risk of breast cancer in test subjects. Ok that's an interesting finding, but it also claimed that extensive use of coffee was shown to reduce breast size in subjects in the study. I kind of wonder if they were able to appropriately limit their variables to make this an accurate finding. How do they know that the women with smaller breast didn't just have a lower risk in general. Also what kind of relation is this anway. However, enough about the study it was the way the news set up their coverage of the story that was strange.

I'm sure you all have seen at least one of the many news stories where they try to throw out numbers about how fat our society is getting. They looooove these stories on the news. The title is almost always "Battle of the Bulge". Ha, clever play of words off of one of the bloodiest battles from World War II. Good one newscaster, your so witty.

The news always needs stock footage to play in the backround as they are reading off their story to keep the American public interested. So they run footage of so-called fat people just walking down the street. I always wondered if there was some sort of "fat people walking" stock footage bank, or if they actually say to their camera man, "Hey, go film some fat people walking down the street and make sure you cut off the heads in the video so we don't have to get them to sign off for it. You get bonus points if they have muffin tops."

"muffin top" from one such online story

These poor people are just minding their business, walking down the street maybe going to the post office, or maybe they're stopping by the apothecary. Unknowingly some creepy guy is filming them to be shown as overweight. I often thought, what if you didn't think you were that big and you were just sitting down to watch the local news. All of a sudden you see them talking about obesity and showing pictures of you walking around. That would suck

Anyway, back to the reson I got started on this subject. The coffee news story was talking about breast so it decided to show stock footage of women walking around in the backround. However, the camera was super zoomed in on their boobs. So your just walking down the street one day and not only is some guy strangely filming you, he is zooming in on your breasts with a huge news camera. I don't think that would make your day. It may make his, but not yours. Either way, kind of creepy. They could have taken a different angle. Ha get it? That was unintentional.

I took this picture of a book I found with my phone a while ago.
Anybody see anything wrong with this picture?

Thursday, October 23, 2008

What's with all the bamboo

What is going on with all the bamboo in montgomery count. Especially in silver spring.

It's not indigenous to this area but it's everywhere in Kensington. It's rediculous to maintain. People must just think it's glamorous. I saw a Judge Judy on it once. A neighbor sued because it spreads like crazy. According to wikipedia(most reliable source ever) it can grow up to 5 feet a day. You have to put down barriers into the ground to prevent it spreading. What's up with people.

You might have seen this already but this video is awesome.

Worst best man ever


I guess it was bound to happen. Sarah Palin look alikes are gonna make lot of money in the industry

But if she loses they'll just have a bridge to nowhere.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Happy Clean Switch

So my clean switch holiday happened this weeked. I'm sure everybody celebrated and put away all their summer clothes and pulled out their pants and long sleeves.


On another note, the house search is intensifying so wish us good luck.


Rays and the Phillies in the world series. I guess everybody is just happy the red sox lost. Woo hoo.



cry it out


The election is nearing, almost time to celebrate that HE'LL be gone

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Too early for christmas

So I officially saw my first Christmas commercial. Seriously, it's friggin October. There are still at least 2 more solid holidays before it's time. KMart is the culprit.

What's going on with that KMart in Olney anyway. You would think that if they were going to keep it around they would renovate it at least a little.

Speaking of Christmas. Check out this. So stupid.

Decided to start a blog.

So I decided to start a blog. It's been a long time coming. It will probobly be a lot of venting because that's what I like to do. They will probobly be short posts as well because I like to keep things succinct. Enjoy